Work-place training is oriented towards practical work environments. It is offered independently on time-schedule or mode of delivery of cognitive information. It is designed to fit the workforce training needs, which vary in both level of education and specific subjects, and concerns the broad knowledge and skills needed in a branch that form the foundation for the development of career ladders. The work-place perspective of the training model encourages the bridge building and information sharing between employers and the education system. It is a resource for planning, design, and delivery of educational and training opportunities that meet employers’ needs. By providing a common language for discussions of skill needs, it can foster work-place & education collaboration in developing curricula, planning and assessing career and education programmes, and developing apprenticeship programmes. The key element of this collaboration are the COMPETENCES. Competences provide trainees/employees with road maps to increase their capabilities. They focus on how results are achieved rather than merely the end result. Thus, competences data can be used for employee development, promotion, training and new hire/selection decisions. ECO-Center work-place training offers a set of competences and green abilities descriptions for adult training providers in the field of clean environment, and the relevant Training Paths for gaining them. The competences are described in accordance with EQF reference levels and main descriptors: knowledge, skills and personal effectiveness competencies (soft skills). They outline the general as well specific cognitive and technical abilities adult trainees can re-build and re-skilled through the various types of courses offered by the training model. The description profiles match the national/ EU professional/occupational requirements stipulated in ISCO.
Access to additional training courses:
Biotechnology as a tool for environmentally friendly industrial processes