The ECO-Center project philosophy is in compliance with the European policies for investment in education and innovation management for successful transition to knowledge-based economy and society.

The investment in education is a national priority for all European governments that commit to ensure conditions for VET system operation where the European reference levels and quality practices in training have priority.

The didactic approach

Learning outcomes are organized in units according to the qualifications needed in a particular area of activity.

Materials need to be rearranged to accommodate the changing role of educators from teachers to facilitators of learning. Thus, the structure of the learning material needs new models of units’ identification.

The ECO-Center methodology is based on the definition of the content of a formal unit defined as a subject in the study curriculum. In the Learning Outcomes scheme, the unit represents a number of competences required at completion of a study course.

In the context of an output–centered course description, a newly introduced unit has to cover knowledge and skills that are part of the daily work-life. These practical competences are incorporated into the Learning Outcome scheme.

The training process

The training process is based on the need of up-to-date education in environment protection sector and covers innovative content. It is organized in units functioning through an e-platform. The process follows special training and qualifications description model published in 5 languages. The training supports the development of national and sectoral qualifications systems, using tools such as EUROPASS, ECVET and EQF.

The testing and feedback

The testing relies on cooperation work with representatives of target groups. It organizes approbation of the training model. The testing monitors the performance of training events and creates a set of documents regarding the certification procedure. It reviews feedback for project products applicability and relevance and carries out final tuning of the outcomes.

New green job opportunities

New green job opportunities emerge due to the EU recognition of qualifications acquired by the trainees in environmental protection, especially in relation to operation, management and economics. They are opened to nationals who embark on reintegration into the national economies after studying and working abroad. These job opportunities appear as a result of the cross-border mobility of trainers and employers. Due to the application of ECO-Center model offering scheme for transparency and better understanding of trainees' qualifications they can be realized in the partner countries.


  • Target groups

The ECO-Center qualification recognition model concerns teachers, trainers, learning facilitators, guidance professionals, school/institution managers and political decision makers are the selected subjects of fit these requirements.

  • Economic sectors

Chemical and eco-engineering, environmental protection, biotechnology, healthcare, food industry need professionals with relevant and updated qualifications approved following the Eco Center qualification pathways.

  • Institutional cooperation

The Eco Center partnership between various institutions and national authorities contributes to the process of regulation, transparency and recognition of qualifications at national and European level.

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The ECO-Center quality management

A set of quality indicators is applied to measure the progress in different phases. The quality management tools monitor the integrity, flexibility and efficiency of the project components, using procedures for control and assessment of the ECO-Center outcomes.

Allocation of ECVET credit points depends on the national requirements. 

Formal learning contexts in different countries and situations are compared to determine learning time for competence acquisition in non-formal/informal manner.

Process quality indicators should observe:

  • Relevance between content and objectives;
  • Criteria for assessment and self-assessment of the work;
  • Appraising the adequacy of the project communication and plans for operational phases;
  • Evaluation of the project outcomes against the EU requirements.
