Competences catalogue
Competences mean a cluster of interrelated knowledge, skills, abilities, and commitments that enable an individual to successfully act in /apply for a certain job position. Competences contribute to enhanced employee’s performance and thus, result in organizational success. The major components of competences are defines as:
- Knowledge: the perception of facts, truths and principles gained from training and/or experience. The result is upgraded/updated, new knowledge adopted.
- Skills: the developed proficiency in mental or physical operations acquired through specialized training. The result is gained ability for successful performance.
- Abilities and individual attributes: the aptitude to perform physical/mental activities affiliated with a particular profession; specific behaviours, qualities or characteristics of individuals that reflect one's unique personality. The result is a strong basis for individual performance engagement.
Competences provide trainees/employees with road maps to increase their capabilities. They focus on how results are achieved rather than merely the end result. Thus, competences data can be used for employee development, promotion, training and new hire/selection decisions.
One of the biggest challenges of 21st global economy is to make the transition to a greener economy happen. Nowadays, the lack of green skills is already recognized as a major bottleneck in a number of sectors, incl. environmental services. The adoption and distribution of clean technologies requires green abilities. Green abilities are also crucial for economies and businesses, workers and entrepreneurs, to rapidly adapt to changes imposed by environmental policies and/or climate change.
To correspond to EU policy for research into skill needs for greener economies a set of competences and green abilities description for adult training providers in the field of clean environment was established comprising ECO Center Competences Catalogue. In this catalogues the competences are described in accordance with EQF reference levels and main descriptors: knowledge, skills and personal effectiveness competencies (soft skills). They outline the general as well specific cognitive and technical abilities adult trainees can re-build and re-skilled through the various types of courses offered by the training model. The description profiles match the national/ EU professional/occupational requirements stipulated in ISCO.